Drop Ship is a fulfillment model that allows you to purchase and ships out goods from the manufacturer directly to customers without going through the usual distribution channels. Reiko has committed to enable the small business around the globe with our state of the art fulfillment center and lowest price guaranteed.**
*Reiko Wireless Inc. Drop Ship Agreement Email your completed application to dropship@reikowireless.com for any questions or concerns.
Customers place orders on your web store.
Customers pay you/seller.Drop Shipper ships the items to customers.
Take your profit margin & forward the orders to our warehouse.
Reiko’s Dropship empowers you to focus on selling, without worrying about inventory and its accuracy; Reiko’s Drop Ship program also allows you to eliminate upfront fees and hassle, it helps you to keep a positive cash flow and have the full access to our entire product line within your hand. In addition, the drop shipping model has the following advantages:
Low Capital Requirement: Only makes purchase when you have an existing order to fulfill. Wider Product Selection: You can offer a significant number of products to your customers. Reduced Risk: Without investing in inventory, the risk of starting is dramatically reduced. Freedom of Access: You can operate a drop ship business from anywhere on earth with internet connection. Highly Scalable: We automatically fulfill the orders, you can focus on sales or campaign more.
Accountability: Reiko has been the most creditable wholesaler in the industry for almost two decades. Manufacturer Direct Price: We offer manufacturer direct price to our drop ship customers. Branding Benefits: Reiko’s well-developed brand strategy could help you for promoting your website. Promising Quality: Great and reliable product quality and premium shock absorbent packaging ensures low return rate. Broad Product Selection: You can have the access to our full inventory which is already in stock. Swift fulfillment: All orders are processed and shipped out within same day before cut off time. NO Upfront Fee: NO membership fee, NO stocking fee, NO minimum purchase, NO maintenance fee.